Hi All, something we are doing wrong in Hibernate is causing us to slowly exhaust our memory, and was hoping that someone could give some ideas on where to look to resolve.
The Memory Dump Diagnostic for Java tool, suggest that the likely suspect is a HashTable in the JTASessionContext. We are using CMT, so no specific transaction logic in our data access.
MDDJ specifies: LEAK_ROOT as org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory LEAK_CONTAINER as java.util.HashTable$Entry[]
I thought this might have something to do with the fact that we also set the isolation level to *NONE (needs to be done at the moment), and that maybe this was causing the transaction to not end (or never exist) keeping the session open...but a print of the statistics to the console shows that the sessions are getting closed.
We go through about 1gb of memory a week (100 users)
Does anyone have any suggestions on were to look? Thanks for any help. Kevin...