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 Post subject: High number of selects when loading a collection
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:05 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:24 pm
Posts: 1

I have a strange issue that I'm seeing. Granted it could very well be my understanding but here is what's going on. Say a 3 entity classes A, B, and C. Class A has a collection of class B's. Class B, is essentially a join table between A and C where the primary key of class B is a composite key of class A and class C. See code below for a general idea of what I'm getting at.

class A

  @OneToMany(fetch = lazy, mappedBy = "a")
  Set<B> bSet = new HashSet<B>();

   hashcode (...)

   equals (...)


class bPK
  @ManyToOne(fetch = lazy)
  A a;

  @ManyToOne(fetch = lazy)
  C c;

class B
   A a;

   C c;

   hashcode (...)

   equals (...)

class C
   String id;

   hashcode (...)

   equals (...)

The hashcode and equals implementations on Class A and Class C both compare the id property. The hashcode and the equals on class B compare entities A and C for equality, which in turn would call A and C's equal method.

Now, here is what I'm seeing. Assume I have 6 entities of Class B, all associated with Class A but different Class C's. Every time I loop through Class A's set of B's, it executes one select sql statement to retrieve class C. So, in this example after looping through the whole set, 6 select statement would have been executed. Obviously, 6 isn't so bad but as the number of records increases, then too will the number of select statements.

If anyone has insight that would be great. I'm most likely missing a fundamental understanding about these relationships and this may be behaving correctly. If so, it would be great for an explanation or possibly a workaround.


 Post subject: Re: High number of selects when loading a collection
PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:38 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 3:36 am
Posts: 990
I would try to define the ManyToOne relation from B to C eager.

class bPK
  @ManyToOne(fetch = lazy)
  A a;

  @ManyToOne(fetch = eager)
  C c;

Theoretically then the navigation query which is implicitely made when accessing a.bSet
should load also all associated C's through an outer join.

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