I have a sort of meta-Hibernate question, if you will. I suspect its just me not understanding one of the several new tools I'm learning at once here, but given the number of other people I can see having the same problem, at least I'm not alone.
So I'm learning Hibernate, and with it Maven, because it seems a useful thing for keeping track of dependencies. And I wrote a little basic tutorial Hibernate app, which failed to run due to dependency problems with SLF4J. And googled around and found several of the numberless threads on these forums explaining what I was doing wrong - thank you all - and seem to have it sorted out now.
So here's my question: isn't this exactly what Maven is supposed to be doing for me? If Hibernate won't work without SLF4J installed, and exactly matching versions of slf4j-api, slf4j-log4jx, and log4j, shouldn't these all be dependencies listed in the Maven repository for Hibernate? And therefore all automagically kept up to date and stopping (some of) all of us newbs from filling up your forums complaining about the same error over and over? Am I missing how this works? Are there ways of setting up Hibernate so that SLF4J isn't required?
Sorry if this is a stupid question - please enlighten.