There seems to be a bug in the QueryImpl class in the method extractParameterInfo()
Here's what I've done:
I create an equal predicate using a Path to House.address and a Address value.
@Entity class House { @Type(type="jc.AddressUserType") @Columns(columns={@Column(name="address")}) Address address;
In the extractParameterInfo() method there is a loop that gets the javaType from a namedParameterTypeRedefinition.
It gets the javaType (Address.class) then since it is not null tries to find the hibernate Type using the TypeFactory.heuristicType() method. But given a javaType this will only work for strings, int, double etc. What is passed in is an Address not an AddressUserType.
The huristicType actually returns an hibernate SerializableType and resets the descriptor which was correct in the first place.
I've fix this for myself my just commenting out the call to resetExpectedType but there must be a good reason why this call is made there correct?
Again I've put this on the forum. Thanks Jean-Claude
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "RedundantCast" }) private void extractParameterInfo(Map<String,Class> namedParameterTypeRedefinition) { if ( ! AbstractQueryImpl.class.isInstance( query ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Unknown query type for parameter extraction" ); }
HashSet<Parameter<?>> parameters = new HashSet<Parameter<?>>(); AbstractQueryImpl queryImpl = AbstractQueryImpl.class.cast( query );
// extract named params for ( String name : (Set<String>) queryImpl.getParameterMetadata().getNamedParameterNames() ) { final NamedParameterDescriptor descriptor = queryImpl.getParameterMetadata().getNamedParameterDescriptor( name ); Class javaType = namedParameterTypeRedefinition.get( name ); if ( javaType != null ) { descriptor.resetExpectedType( TypeFactory.heuristicType( javaType.getName() ) ); } else if ( descriptor.getExpectedType() != null ) { javaType = descriptor.getExpectedType().getReturnedClass(); } final ParameterImpl parameter = new ParameterImpl( name, javaType ); parameters.add( parameter ); if ( descriptor.isJpaStyle() ) { if ( jpaPositionalIndices == null ) { jpaPositionalIndices = new HashSet<Integer>(); } jpaPositionalIndices.add( Integer.valueOf( name ) ); } }