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 Post subject: Eclipse failed to integrate with Hibernate
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:57 pm
Posts: 17

I don't know which Forum to ask this question but I really need some help. I tried all that I knew of. Any ideas/hints would help.

I am trying to configure Eclipse, Hibernate, MySQL following the instructions below.

After Hibernate is installed and should be found by Hibernate, so I thought. When I pulled down the New/Other menu in Eclipse to create the Hibernate Configuration File, the Hibernate menu item is not there.

Eclipse: File > New > Other > Hibernate > Hibernate Configuration File

What have I done wrong and how can I repair it?

Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks

===============Instructions I followed...

* Eclipse 3.2 + Web Tools Platform
* Hibernate Core 3.2.4 .SP1 + Hibernate Tools-3.2.0.beta9a
* MySQL 4.1 + MySQL Gui Tools 5.0-r12+ MySQL Connector (driver)
* Apache Tomcat 5.5

First of all, you have to create a new project of type Dynamic Web Project with the Eclipse environment; we are going to call it "test". In the field "Target Runtime" we must indicate which server we are gonna use. In our case, we will use the Tomcat Apache 5.5. With the created project and a good database in the MySQL, now, we must import all the Hibernate libs into /WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder. There is another way: you must put all the Hibernate libs into /tomcat/common/lib folder. This last one it's better if you have to export the project in a "*.war" file.

We are ready to establish connection and mapping between the database and our project.

We are going to create the Hibernate Configuration File. This one, will contain the information to access to the database.
ROUTE: File > New > Other > Hibernate > Hibernate Configuration File

 Post subject: Re: Eclipse failed to integrate with Hibernate
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:41 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:02 am
Posts: 48
This is what I got from reference document.

If you download the Hibernate Tools distribution you need to place the /plugins and /feature directory into your eclipse directory or eclipse extensions directory. Sometimes Eclipse does not automatically detect new plugins and thus the tools will not be activated.

To ensure eclipse sees these changes run eclipse with the -clean option. E.g. eclipse -clean.

Rather than downloading and installing, you can do it through update site as well. It doesn't need any additional steps.
1) Go to Eclipse->window->preferences->Install/Update
2) In the pop up window click add and add the following site.

3)It will show a lot of tools but you will find hibernate tools as a subset of it and tick the hibernate tools check box and click install.

 Post subject: Re: Eclipse failed to integrate with Hibernate
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:39 am 

Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:57 pm
Posts: 17
Thank you very much, kavithakaran.

Yes, I had tried the instructions you posted from the Reference doc 3 times yesterday but since its a new day ;-), I tried doing it one more time after l "eclipse -clean" and it worked this time.

I am suspecting all my previous "eclipse -clean" ran from the DOS box did not take for some reasons. Anyway, I really appreciate your response.

Many Thanks...Mimi

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