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 Post subject: Criteria Queries, how to reuse or clone them ?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:50 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:25 pm
Posts: 8
I have successfully built an hibernate criteria query. A common use case, it to perform the search ( .list() ) but also get the count of maximal number of hits.

Now, this is not an issue if you build the criteria twice. But that seems overly redundant. What if I wanted to do more than count? Do I have to rebuild the criteria again and again ?

I have seen tricks like:

c.setResultTransformer( Criteria.ROOT_ENTITY )
c.setProjection( null )

but this is not it. This is only valid for projections, and to me it appears to be buggy ( using aliases makes it go bananas )

Basically, I want to get another copy of my criteria, and move in two, three ... separate directions. Why isn't there a clone? How can I implement a clone?

I found and altered this:

public Criteria copy(Criteria criteria) {
    try {
      ByteArrayOutputStream baostream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      ObjectOutputStream oostream = new ObjectOutputStream(baostream);
      ByteArrayInputStream baistream = new ByteArrayInputStream(baostream.toByteArray());
      ObjectInputStream oistream = new ObjectInputStream(baistream);
      Criteria copy = (Criteria) oistream.readObject();
      return copy;
    catch (Throwable t) {
      throw new HibernateException(t);

Which actually returns a hibernate criteria, but as soon as you call .list() there is an exception. Probably not correctly used.
( The original was using DetachedCriteria, plus serialization seems to be a requirement. https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?p=2266068 )
I am guessing I need to make a new Object that extends Criteria, and implements Serializable to make the above work?
Serialized objects are however supposed to be slow though, am I better off just rebuilding my Criteria again and again then?

There is this class also:
not sure how to use it though.

Please just write on top of your mind. Let's crack this one :)

Sincerely / Moe

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