I'm using Hibernate 3.2.1 and have found that the schema doesn't support the following use case:
Inheritance using table-per-subclass strategy with a bidirectional relationship using a join table.
For example:
Foo has Bar elements. I want to be able to reference Foo from any Bar element.
It so happens there are different types of Bar elements...CandyBar, IronBar, WhiskeyBar.
Here the mapping:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "">
<class abstract="true" name="Bar">
<id name="id">
<generator class="native"/>
<many-to-one column="typeId" fetch="join" lazy="false" name="type"/>
<property name="description"/>
<property name="name"/>
<join inverse="true" optional="true" table="FOO_BAR">
<key column="barId"/>
<many-to-one column="fooId" not-null="true" name="foo"/>
<joined-subclass name="ChocolateBar" table="C_BAR">
<key column="id"/>
<many-to-one column="sweetId" name="sweetTooth"/>
<property name="brush" column="brush"/>
<joined-subclass name="IronBar" table="IRON_BAR">
<key column="id"/>
<many-to-one column="weightBenchId" fetch="join" lazy="false" name="weightBench"/>
<joined-subclass name="WhiskeyBar" table="WHISKEY_BAR">
<key column="id"/>
<many-to-one column="kegId" fetch="join" lazy="false" name="keg"/>
I get the following error message:
The content of element type "class" must match
It appears that you can't use "join" and "joined-subclass" in the same class mapping.
Seems like a pretty reasonable relationship.
Is there any work around? Patch? Plan to support?
Does this mean I cannot have a bidirectional relationship for this case?
Thanks for any input.