Hi all,
I have a mapping which works well with my h2 embeded db and I want to make it running on Sybase. The problem I encounter is that type="text" is not well supported in Sybase as it can't contain null values. This is a known problem and you probably did a fix available in 3.5.0-Beta-2.
http://opensource.atlassian.com/project ... e/HHH-3975My problem is I can't update to this latest Beta-2 and I want to dynamically update my mapping for sybase (replace type="text" by the type you map it to in the latest Beta-2.)
I had a look at SchemaExport and SchemaUpdate but I don't understand how I can do that...
Can you help me on that point please ? On which type did you mapped type = text so I can add sql-type in my mapping ?