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 Post subject: Spring & hibernate DB login using user inputs
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:41 pm
Posts: 2
Hi all,
I got this issue, is there a good way to pass parameters (username/password) to hibernatesessionfactory or how would i approach this.
I'm using Spring - hibernate,
the issue is that each user got different access to db, so on form submit of login page username/password need to pass to hibernate config to hit the db with that instead of a app specific username/password. so login success means that the username/password are valid and hibernate can make the db connection.

HibernateSessionFactory - i set configuration properties with hard code username/password. (work, just can't seem to get username/password from the form submit).

hibernate.cfg.xml - hold all the hbm.xml mapping


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