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 Post subject: Nested transaction or dirty write
PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:25 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:18 am
Posts: 1
Hi all,

I have a question about transaction demarcation. To ensure that a long operation is correctly committed or rollbacked completely,
I gave my starting method Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW and the methods called from it Propagation.MANDATORY.

One of these methods is a counter that is incremented (used to generate unique filenames).
This part of the transaction should never be rollbacked, because then files are being overwritten. I tried to give this method
Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW. That indeed starts a new transaction and suspends the current one. But I noticed if the "outer"
transaction is rollbacked, the "inner" transaction will also be rollbacked.

Although I changed this code already to
use a timestamp in the filename (which also makes it unique), I'd like to know if this would've been possible (and how of course).


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