Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:44 pm Posts: 6
I'm sure that this has come up in the past so sorry in advance if that's the case. I did find one thread but it got off track and never addressed the initial problem.
I have two tables for ease of use we'll just call them Parent and Child they have a many-to-many relationship so I add a look-up table(at least that's what I call them) called Parent_Child_Lookup that only has two fields parent_id and child_id this table only exists to link the parents with their children.
My Java objects are named the same as the table names. - parentID int - parentName String - children LinkedList<Child> - childID int - childName String
I cant figure out for the life of me a way to map these tables to show the relationship between the two. It would be great to know if there is a way to do this without having to create an object for the lookup table. Does this make sense? Any help or advice would be great. Thanks, Jon