Hi all,
My question may sound funny, since usually people try to do the opposite, but here's what I have: I have a project that I've recently refactored in several sub-projects, so that it's more modular. Since I've done that, I have problems, maybe because of Hibernate, maybe because of bad design, you will tell me ;-)
I'm using Hibernate annotations 3.3.0.ga .
I have a common project in which I have
public class IndicatorFromFile implements Cloneable, Comparable<IndicatorFromFile>,IHasPostActions{
private AbstractLogLinesResource relatedResource;
private boolean isDisplayableInGraph=false;
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public abstract class AbstractLogLinesResource implements Cloneable{
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private long id;
protected Application relatedApplication;
private Set<IndicatorFromFile> indicatorsToGet=new TreeSet<IndicatorFromFile>();
All the implementing classes for AbstractLogLinesResource are in another project, and I would like to keep it that way.
However, for one sub-project, I don't care about the implementation of the AbstractLogLinesResource, I just need to retrieve IndicatorFromFile objects:
Criteria req = hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(IndicatorFromFile.class);
req.createAlias("relatedResource", "resource");
req.add(Restrictions.eq("relatedApplication.code", applicationCode));
req.add(Restrictions.eq("isDisplayableInGraph", true));
return req.setCacheable(true).list();
When I run this code, I get a "Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface" exception, since the implementing class is unkown in the current project. If I move my implementing classes in the common project, then it works. But with this comes a lot of code that is irrelevant, so I would like to keep them outside, in a specific project.
When I look at the generated SQL, I see that Hibernate tries to retrieve the "relatedResource" association in the "select" clause. I'm not sure this is causing the Exception, but
how can I tell Hibernate not to retrieve this association ? Using Projections, I have seen nothing where I could specify whole objects, only properties.
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance