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 Post subject: Serializing and deserializing ISession?
PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 12:03 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:33 pm
Posts: 12
Hi guys,

This is a bit different, so bear with me!

I'm attempting the following:
1) Create an ISession
2) Manipulate some business domain objects
3) Serialize the ISession
4) Commit/Flush the changes to the db
5) If an exception occurs, restore the ISession from it's serialized state (so that I don't lose the ISession's contents)

I've successfully serialized and then deserialized the session, but all of my domain objects no longer perform lazy-loading. I get a "LazyInitializationException: Failed to lazily initialize a collection - no session" message. I've reconnected the ISession after deserializing it, but it still doesn't want to play.

Could it be that the proxies are bound to the original ISession? If so, how does one re-establish the binding to a new ISession? Bear in mind that I want to retain the dirty status of the ISession, and all of the dirty objects within it.

Any ideas?

 Post subject: Re: Serializing and deserializing ISession?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:21 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:06 am
Posts: 40
Location: Netherlands
Vij wrote:
restore the ISession from it's serialized state

As far as I know NHibernate, the problem seems to be that you still create a new instance of an ISession. There is no way to tell all PersistenCollections of your domain objects that this has happened. as far as your domain objects are concerned, the session they were constucted by is closed and they are not aware of the 'resored' session. I think you can'tavoid the pain of getting a new session from your factory and do SaveOrUpdate with your existing domain objects.

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