Hey Max, I really appreciate your time and help on this. I apologize in advance if I'm asking too much. Feel free to tell me that I need to go figure it out on my own. But let me address your comments...
hmm...you can always install your own tool and call out to it to get what you want/need.
This is basically what I'm trying to do. I would like to write a class that will do the things that $pojo is doing that are specific to Java and don't quite have the same syntax for ActionScript. I understand from the documentation how to load my class, I just don't know where to start on writing it. That's why I was asking about extending the POJO classes. I don't really know what libraries, imports, etc I need to write this helper class.
getJavaTypeName - what is needed here ?
This function returns Java types that are mapped from the hibernate type. I need to define a map for ActionScript types, and return the ActionScript type (so the function would be getActionScriptTypeName) For example, my IDs are put as 'java.math.BigDecimal', where I would want the ActionScript primitive type 'Number'
generateImports - you do know that if you do $pojo.importType('blablah') will generate an import for you ?
I did not know that... that definitely helps. What I don't understand is how $pojo (or the ImportContext) knows all the types used in the class. I saw from the code that it is somehow filling the 'imports' TreeSet, but doesn't the imports section happen before the 'Fields' or 'PropertyAccessors' ? How do I generate or keep track of the list of imports necessary? Using generateImports() I get java imports like:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
where I would want
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection
getExtendsDeclaration - here you could add extra imports in hbm.xml; but i guess you don't want those into your java code...
Yeah, I think this one will solve itself, as I think all my hibernate classes will inherit from a common custom class of my own. In this way, I'll only have to correct the 'java.io.Serializable' extends on one class (the base class).
I think I could solve a lot of my problems with a "search and replace" task after the code generation, but if I could do this the "right" way, I think I'd be 99% there on generating ActionScript classes.
Thanks in advance,