BTW, on the other deployment, the log is as follows:
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] INFO ( 1040): Hibernate 2.1.1
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] INFO ( 1040): not found
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] INFO ( 1040): using CGLIB reflection optimizer
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] INFO ( 1040): configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] INFO ( 1040): Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] FINE ( 1040): initializeServerLogger: net.sf.hibernate.util.XMLHelper null FINE
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] FINE ( 1040): initializeServerLogger: net.sf.hibernate.util.DTDEntityResolver null FINE
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] FINE ( 1040): trying to locate ... on-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:19] FINE ( 1040): found ... on-2.0.dtd in classpath
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:20] FINE ( 1040): query.imports=gr.netsmart.manos2.jstats.persisted
[16/Mar/2004:15:57:20] FINE ( 1040): connection.datasource=jdbc/jstats
So the non-working one crashes just before the "using CGLIB reflection optimizer" line.