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 Post subject: Shared Primary Key associations Deletion
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:19 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:07 am
Posts: 23

I am facing a couple of problems primarily due to my limited knowledge yet on associations (but still learning). Any help would be helpful

I got two entities sharing a One-To-One primary key association: Portfolio <-> Holder

Definition of the Portfolio Entity

@OneToOne (cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST,CascadeType.MERGE,CascadeType.REMOVE})
public Holder getHolder() {
return holder;

Definition of the Holder Entity

@OneToOne(optional = false)
public Portfolio getPortfolio() {
return portfolio;

ID Definition for the Holder entity
which is a foreign key strategy generator using a custom annotation

Now my questions:

A -> Is it possible to delete a Holder without going through the deletion of a portfolio. I dont want to use the Holder object directly
B -> When I try deletion of the Holder directly using a simple method like
holderDao.remove(11673l) which calls entityManager.remove() I get to see that the entity does get loaded but a DELETE does not get fired. The following error gets thrown:

deleted entity passed to persist: [com.wm.om.model.SecondaryHolder#<null> This happens atSessionImpl.persistOnFlush and Cascade.cascadeToOne

Thanks in Advance


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